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Medical and mental healthcare for people displaced by violence in the Lake Chad area.

A call for action beyond summits - reflections on the World Humanitarian Summit

The report "Emergency Now: A call for action beyond summits" explains further the reasons why MSF decided not to participate in the World Humanitarian Summit (WHS) and shares a report on its reflections on the WHS. Report - 23 May 2016
A tribute to our colleague Arsene, killed in CAR
Central African Republic

A tribute to our colleague, Arsène Bassanganam, killed during an ambush against an MSF convoy

MSF today pays tribute to dedicated staff member Arsène Bassanganam, who was killed during an ambush against an MSF convoy in Central African Republic (CAR). Statement - 23 May 2016
MSF HIV Testing Clinic's in Conakry

MSF's first HIV testing campaign in Conakry

Noah Traoré was the first person in the Tombolia neighbourhood to have his finger pricked at the MSF mobile clinic. "As the head of this neighbourhood, I have to set an example. I love my community, so it is my duty to encourage them to protect themselves against HIV/AIDS," he explains. Project Update - 20 May 2016
Central African Republic

MSF outraged by killing of staff member

Press Release - 19 May 2016
Ecuador Earthquake: MSF Response Teams

Mental health after the earthquake

Interview with Ionara Rabelo, MSF psychologist working in Ecuador Voices from the Field - 19 May 2016
DRC: MSF respond to a massive malaria outreak in Pawa and Boma-Mangbetu
Democratic Republic of Congo

An unusual and deadly malaria outbreak in the north east of the Democratic Republic of Congo

An unusually severe outbreak of malaria has hit the health area of Pawa and neighbouring Boma Mangbetu, in the Democratic Republic of Congo. At the beginning of May, MSF launched emergency relief in response to an appeal from the overwhelmed health authorities. Photo Story - 18 May 2016
Samos, Greece
Mediterranean migration

MSF calls for immediate opening of 'hotspots'

Two months after the signing of the EU-Turkey deal the situation continues to deteriorate for migrants incarcerated on the Greek islands. MSF calls for the immediate opening of hotspots. Press Release - 18 May 2016
Kenya - Dadaab refugee camp

Show the world that safe refuge is possible

Hundreds of thousands of people cannot be punished for the actions of a few Statement - 13 May 2016
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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