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7467 Results

Violence and Immigration: Report on illegal sub-Saharan immigrants (ISSs) in Morocco

MSF is concerned that these findings reveal systematic violence and degrading treatment which only serve to increase the suffering and marginalisation of people who are already exposed to extremely precarious and often inhumane conditions. Report - 30 Sep 2005

Patient numbers increase after key media campaign in northern Nigeria

Since the opening of the project three weeks ago, more than 260 malnourished children have been treated by MSF. Project Update - 28 Sep 2005

Cholera outbreaks across West Africa: MSF sends more staff and supplies

A number of factors conspire to make the outbreak during this year's rainy season much worse than in most years, including bad conditions of hygiene, overcrowding in certain areas, and a lack of safe drinking water. Project Update - 14 Sep 2005

MSF repeats call for rapid mobilisation of aid agencies to increase assistance in areas of acute malnutrition

MSF again calls for a rapid mobilization of aid agencies to increase targeted food distributions in areas affected by acute malnutrition. Press Release - 13 Sep 2005

Lessons Learned: 'Chagas disease, an invisible threat in Nicaragua'

Excerpt from the MSF 2005 publication: Lessons Learned: "Chagas disease, an invisible threat in Nicaragua"
Project Update - 7 Sep 2005

Know more about Chagas Disease

Excerpted from the MSF 2005 publication: Lessons Learned: "Chagas disease, an invisible threat in Nicaragua" Project Update - 7 Sep 2005

Chagas treatment: Far from ideal

Excerpted from the MSF 2005 publication: Lessons Learned: "Chagas disease, an invisible threat in Nicaragua"
Project Update - 7 Sep 2005
United States of America

Hurricane Katrina: MSF's exploratory mission to Louisiana

On Friday, September 2, an MSF team made up of two physicians, a nurse and two logisticians headed to the Gulf Coast region of the United States to directly assess the unmet emergency medical needs following the impact of Hurricane Katrina on the coastline of the state of Louisiana.
Project Update - 7 Sep 2005
United States of America

Special message on hurricane Katrina

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is in touch with local and national authorities, healthcare workers, and other aid organizations in the Hurricane Katrina-affected region of the United States to closely monitor and assess whether MSF can contribute to the emergency relief effort. Project Update - 5 Sep 2005
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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