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7621 Results

Increased insecurity hampers MSF medical assistance to the population of Darfur

Security incidents have led to the evacuation of our teams in Serif Umra and two projects in the Jebel Marra, as well as the interruption of mobile clinics, and the limitation in the referral of emergency cases to surgical facilities in other areas. Press Release - 8 Mar 2006

Chad refugees in Darfur: Providing first aid, mobilizing other aid agencies

Although there are many humanitarian organizations in El Geneina, few are prepared to leave the city. The paralysis afflicting aid agencies is visible in this area. Project Update - 7 Mar 2006

Better access to treatment for Ethiopian kala azar patients

Up until now the bulk of the kala-azar patients were dependent on MSF or research institutions for medical care. MSF has treated more than 9,300 patients since the start of its kala-azar programmes in 1997. Project Update - 6 Mar 2006

Haiti's poor suffer as world looks elsewhere

Doctors say the use of high-powered weapons in Cite Soleil's cramped maze of concrete and iron shacks produce astonishing wounds among the slum's innocent bystanders. Project Update - 3 Mar 2006

Armenian project improves access to healthcare during first year

"We really had to start from scratch with some of our local staff. Every thing from waste disposal management to attitudes towards the patients had to be tackled. When we first arrived, waste disposal management simply consisted of throwing things out the window," he explains. Project Update - 1 Mar 2006
South Africa

MSF opens new HIV/AIDS programme in Lesotho

The MSF programme will be the first in Lesotho to decentralise comprehensive HIV/AIDS care and treatment, including ART, to the primary health care level and provide it for free to patients. The challenges of doing so will be enormous. Project Update - 28 Feb 2006

Nigeria's food crisis was scarcely visible - but thousands of children were starving

From July 2005 to January 2006, medical teams from MSF treated nearly 13,000 severely malnourished children at one stabilization center and 12 outpatient therapeutic feeding sites in the northern Nigerian state of Katsina. By the end of the year, fewer and fewer children were admitted for treatment, so MSF handed the project over to local health authorities in January 2006. Project Update - 27 Feb 2006
Republic of Congo

MSF returns to projects in the Pool region, Congo Brazzaville

Medical teams from Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have resumed their activities in three districts within the Republic of Congo's southern Pool region, the organization has announced. Project Update - 22 Feb 2006
South Sudan

MSF responding to severe cholera outbreak in Juba

More than 1,800 cases have been recorded in two weeks in a non-endemic area.
Press Release - 22 Feb 2006

MSF leads a campaign to vaccinate 100,000 people in southern Ethiopia

Meningitis is endemic in Ethiopia and epidemics tend to break out particularly during the major dry season, from January to March. Press Release - 20 Feb 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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