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7621 Results
Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC measles vaccination campaign ends - numbers fall but coverage is complete

A two week long vaccination campaign in the DRC is over and 97.6% of the target population has been vaccinated. However, unlike the first information where some 550,000 children were anticipated, the final tally came to 359,318. Project Update - 29 Mar 2006

Emergency obstetrical care in Haiti, where maternal mortality is highest in western world

Before opening on March 15, the team publicized the hospital's services in the violent slum areas of Port-au-Prince using flyers, posters, graffiti and street banners. Photo Story - 28 Mar 2006
South Sudan

Those too ill to walk or too poor to be carried, in time, simply die

Getting to an MSF health post can be a challenge for the sick. Few roads, many swamps and the constant threat from people in the villages en route. Project Update - 27 Mar 2006

The terrible burden of MDR-TB in Abkhazia

Clinging to the side of a steeply wooded slope, with a spectacular view out on to the bay of Sukumi, are the ruins of a tuberculosis (TB) treatment sanatorium that was a jewel in the crown of the TB control system in the Soviet Union. The ruins look down on Gulprish Hospital, now the centre of MSF's TB program in Abkhazia, and remain a potent symbol of the decay of TB treatment in this forgotten part of the world. Project Update - 24 Mar 2006

New TB strategies for children in Monrovia

Gabriela Adao is a Brazilian nurse who worked with MSF in Island Hospital, Monrovia, Liberia. It was her fourth mission with MSF. Her job in Island Hospital was to work on alternative adherence tools to make sure tuberculosis (TB) patients actually take their drugs properly, and ultimately recover. Most of her work consisted of developing counselling services for mothers, fathers and caregivers in charge of the treatment of one or more children. Interview - 24 Mar 2006
Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC measles campaign: Free treatment for all cases

In conjunction with a massive measles vaccination campaign in the city of Mbuji Mayi, MSF also provides medical and logistical support to four health centres for the management of measles cases. In Muya and Dipumba hospitals, as well as in the Christ Roi and Bakwatshiimuna health centres, all measles cases are treated at no cost to the patient. Project Update - 23 Mar 2006
Democratic Republic of Congo

DRC diary: The last day has come and gone

Listen to Lina explaining the vaccination campaign. French.
Lina, a nurse, is from Sweden and has been working with MSF for a year and a half - and is already on her fifth field mission.
Two weeks ago, she started working in the city of Mbuji Mayi, in the Kasaï Oriental province of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Project Update - 23 Mar 2006
South Sudan

Treating TB in southern Sudan

In the last four years, 991 patients have been treated for tuberculosis (TB) at the health center that MSF set up in Akuem, southern Sudan. The teams have established a streamlined treatment method, but caring for patients with this disease is still a complex undertaking. Project Update - 23 Mar 2006

Treating HIV/AIDS co-infection: MSF's project in Homa Bay, Kenya

Since 1997, MSF has been running an HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis (TB) treatment project in the regional hospital of Homa Bay, Kenya. The HIV/AIDS prevalence in this province, with a population of around 300,000, is estimated to be 30%. For the MSF team, the treatment of co-infection - meaning people affected by both HIV/AIDS and TB - is critical. A new integrated approach was put in place under one roof at the end of 2005 to do just that. Project Update - 23 Mar 2006

TB patients still waiting for new diagnostic tools and treatment

The number of TB cases is increasing worldwide. This is particularly true in countries with high HIV prevalence. There is still no evolution in terms of development of new diagnostic tools and treatment. The only available ones are archaic and do not allow the efficient detection and treatment of TB in developing countries, where 99% of deaths occur. Project Update - 23 Mar 2006
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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