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Up to 2,000 returnees per day

There has been an increase in returnees to East Timor with flights, boats and now land convoys bringing them to their homeland. Estimations are that up to 2,000 people per day are returning. Transit camps are being installed en route by the UNHCR; Security is being addressed by Interfet, CIVPOL and the UNHCR. Project Update - 9 Nov 1999

Some indications of malaria increase

In Maliana, the border crossing has been closed but the incidences of malaria are climbing. Consultations in the clinic have doubled and malaria is the principle diagnosis. In total, returnees number 43,436. Project Update - 9 Nov 1999

MSF in Albania: Massive refugee aid programme

The NATO attacks on Serbia began at the end of March 1999. In the space of the three months, 430,000 ethnic Albanians fleeing ethnic cleansing in Kosovo had come and gone, placing enormous strains on an already insufficient health care infrastructure. Project Update - 8 Nov 1999

MSF deeply concerned by humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka

The emergency medical aid organisation Médecins Sans Frontières today expressed its deep concern about the humanitarian situation in Sri Lanka. The recent outbreak of major fighting in Sri Lanka has caused civilian casualties and further hardships for the population in the contested northern areas. Press Release - 5 Nov 1999

Spontaneous returns expected to rise as Indonesian troops leave

Although there has been substantial organised repatriation of refugees in East Timor, with officials using planes and ships to repatriate the population, there is a sizeable number of refugees who have remained sheltered in remote locations. Project Update - 5 Nov 1999

WHO warns of epidemic diseases potential

With the rainy season in East Timor starting, epidemic diseases,such as cholera and malaria are becoming major public health concerns, according to a warning issued by the World Health Organisation (WHO). Project Update - 5 Nov 1999

Orissa state devastated by 'worst cyclone of the century'

When a cyclone hit the Orissa coast of India on Friday morning (October 29, 1999), it struck from the north with windspeeds reaching 250km/h. When it reduced force and windspeeds fell to 100km/h, it turned and struck from the south with gale force winds with speeds up to 280km/h. Project Update - 3 Nov 1999

MSF to assist after cyclone hits

Project Update - 3 Nov 1999

Repatriation stumbles with no camp access

As of November 1, 1999 the combined total of organised and spontaneous returns by air and by sea has reached 36,841 (24,168 organised and 12,673 spontaneous). A new ferry return route has opened in order to increase the overall pace and effectiveness of the return operations from West Timor to East Timor. Press Release - 3 Nov 1999

By plane, boat and foot

On October 28, more returness did arrive in Dili by air flights. One flight of 42 arrived from Darwin. Another three flgiths from Kupang brought in another 290 people. Transport by boat has meant far higher numbers. October 27, one boat from Kupang with 1,885 returnees. Project Update - 31 Oct 1999
Cholera intervention in South Kivu
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF)

Independent medical humanitarian assistance

We provide medical assistance to people affected by conflict, epidemics, disasters, or exclusion from healthcare. Our teams are made up of tens of thousands of health professionals, logistic and administrative staff - most of them hired locally. Our actions are guided by medical ethics and the principles of independence and impartiality. We are a non-profit, self-governed, member-based organisation.

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